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Home Electrical Inspections – Are they REALLY necessary?

We all know buying a home is a long, time-consuming process. In addition to the endless paperwork, there are inspections! While most people understand the importance of a getting a general home inspection, they often assume that’s all they need. General inspectors are wonderful and can help ensure your home is in working order before you move in. While inspectors do their best to spot any potential hazards, they usually don’t have the time or resources to thoroughly inspect your home’s electrical system and wiring.

Home Safety InspectionToday, nearly everything requires an outlet. Whether it’s your appliances, television, laptop, tablet, or phone, it’s important to know that your home’s electrical system is functioning properly. Not only is an electrical problem an inconvenience, it can be dangerous if not found early. Faulty wiring is the cause of many house fires. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, an estimated 144,000 house fires were caused by electrical failure or malfunction between the years 2007-2011.

Detecting faulty wiring is tricky and often overlooked by a general home inspector. When you hire an electrical inspector, you can have confidence your home is electrically sound.

Efficiency and Conservation

If your home is more than 20 years old and it still has the original electrical system, it may be due for an overhaul. Older systems tend to be less efficient and very expensive to run. By replacing your breakers, fixing shorts, and thoroughly examining the wiring, you will not only ensure a safer home for you and your family, you’ll conserve energy and reduce your overall monthly electricity costs.

Who Should Get an Electrical Home Inspection?

In general, the Electrical Safety Foundation recommends an electrical home inspection if you:

  1. Recently purchased a new home
  2. Own a home 40 years or older
  3. Added a major appliance
  4. Recently renovated your home

If your home falls into any of the above categories, call Main Stream Electric today. Our expert electrical home inspectors can answer any questions you may have about home inspections and schedule a visit to your home.

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